A time to hustle, and a time to bond

TeamAsia Blog - Aug 14, 2020

By: Beverly Aguilar, Senior Human Resource Officer

Time Out

Highlighting the importance of work-life balance

For countless people across the world, the dynamic of work life and home life have completely changed. As the COVID-19 pandemic forces us to adapt to the ‘now normal,’ and as companies grow more accustomed to remote working arrangements, separating our personal lives from work is becoming more and more difficult. Work can seep into our everyday activities, and we may find ourselves checking emails at all hours, taking business calls at the dinner table, or working on our laptops during the weekends.

This can lead to being overworked and feeling stressed, and we run the risk of jeopardizing not only our personal interests, but our physical and mental health, too. In today’s unpredictable, changing, and fast-paced business world, how can companies encourage work-life balance, even as we move into virtual offices? 

As the Senior Human Resource Officer of TeamAsia, I see to it that our teams feel happy, fulfilled, and appreciated as they work from home, and that they know how to balance work and play. It’s also my responsibility to make sure that our company’s bond stays strong, even without face-to-face interactions. TeamAsia has always put its teams’ wellness as a top priority, and here are some ways that we’ve been balancing hustling and bonding, especially during this pandemic: 

Having online team-building activities. Work sessions shouldn’t be the only time that teams come together. At TeamAsia, we have Pop Up quiz nights, a night where we challenge one another’s knowledge and wit through quizzes on different topics. This builds team rapport while also appealing to the teams’ competitive side. We also have Morning Pop Ups every Monday and Friday, which are 15-minute catch-up sessions where we can talk about anything and everything. These activities help teams let loose and talk to one another about things that aren’t work matters.

Encouraging short breaks and time off. TeamAsia recognizes that taking breaks is also an essential part of work.  This is why we have our buddy system, wherein each member of the team has a partner that will remind them to take breathers. We also encourage our teams to take time off, be it for special occasions, for when they’re feeling sick, for spending time with loved ones, or even for when they need to simply rest and recharge.

Finding ways to stay fit. To help our TeamAsians stay healthy even as they stay at home, we partnered with Intellicare, our health provider, on various programs. We availed of the special partnership they have with Rebel Yoga Manila to provide a variety of online yoga classes that TeamAsians can try. We are also working on a series of health and wellness webinars, to discuss how to look after our health during this pandemic. Staying active and energized can be a great help in de-stressing and having a healthier lifestyle.

Shedding light on mental health. The pandemic can cause feelings of anxiety, fear, and exhaustion, which is why TeamAsia puts emphasis on the importance of emotional and mental wellbeing. Our Managing Director, Bea Lim, and MAGIS Creative Spaces had the chance to talk about ways we can look after ourselves and be more in touch with our feelings during the Mindful Living and Well-being episode of the B2B: Breakfast to Business podcast. This episode serves as a reminder to TeamAsians, and to other people as well, that there are different ways to take care of our mental health.

We also have Open Space sessions, which are hour-long virtual get-togethers where people can just air out their feelings, share their stories, and find comfort in each other’s company—no agenda, just to breathe, chill, and catch up. TeamAsians can also look forward to upcoming initiatives that will encourage them to be more open with their feelings and help them put their minds at ease. 

Helping teams follow other passions. We want our teams to nurture their diverse interests, and for them to continue growing not just as professionals, but as individuals. We support our TeamAsians’ passions beyond work, and we do so by providing different online upskilling programs, helping them find outlets for their different talents, and supporting them with personal endeavours. 

These initiatives are reminders that even if we now work in our homes, work shouldn’t overtake our lives, and our worth as individuals is not based on our productivity. As journalist and author Liz Gilbert said, “You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes and failures.”

At the end of the day, TeamAsia is not just a company; it is a family. By helping each other balance the hustle with some bonding, we will continue to create amazing things in this now normal, and we will be doing so together.

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